Creative Biolabs


After years of dedicated research and development, Creative Biolabs can offer a wide range of high-quality ELISA kits for neuroscience research, including reactive species such as human, mouse, rat, rabbit, monkey, and universal. Our ELISA products undergo strict quality control to ensure system stability, good linear range, high specificity and sensitivity.

Types of ELISA Methods

Types Description
Direct ELISA Direct ELISAs have limited experimental steps and a simplified experimental setup, making them ideal for measuring the amount of antibody in a sample, such as serum antibody levels after infection.
Indirect ELISA Indirect ELISA is identical to direct ELISA, with the primary distinction being that the bound antibody is detected by a second conjugated antibody. The main advantage of indirect ELISA is the ability to use a conjugated secondary antibody to perform multiple experiments and amplify the signal.
Sandwich ELISA In a sandwich ELISA, the antigen forms the center of a "sandwich" of two antibodies. Sandwich assays are more specific since they require two antibodies to detect the target of interest, which necessitates the creation of a "matched set" of antibodies tailored to the experiment.
Competitive ELISA Competitive/inhibition ELISAs, also called blocking ELISAs, quantify the amount of interference with the expected signal to determine the amount of analyte. These ELISAs can be used to monitor immune responses.

Neuroscience ELISA Kits

Quantification of protein biomarkers is critical in neurobiology and neuroscience research. ELISA technology provides a powerful tool for sensitive quantification. Our neuroscience ELISA kits are verified to measure amyloid-β, tau, and alpha-synuclein with speed, accuracy, and sensitivity. These ready-to-use neurobiology ELISA kits can detect proteins in a number of biological fluids, including serum, plasma, and cerebrospinal fluid.

Fig 1 ELISA for measurement of total alpha-synuclein as example for measurement of total proteins. (Creative Biolabs Original)

ELISA can be used to detect and quantify any substance. We may create an ELISA assay for your specific target, and determining which components are appropriate for you is typically the most difficult part.

If the product you are looking for is not listed, or if you are interested in one of our custom ELISAs, please contact us. Our experts will assist you in selecting the right product for your specific application and help you find the ideal product for the task.

For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.


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