Creative Biolabs

Neuron Marker Related Research Reagents

Neurons are specialized cells of the central nervous system and the basic signal components of the brain. Neuronal dysfunction is an important factor in many neurological diseases. Therefore, the ability to identify, characterize, and analyze these different cells and their functions is essential for neuroscience and neuropathology research. Different neurons have different functions, and can be divided into several categories according to the neurotransmitters they express, their polarity, morphology, anatomical location, and the direction in which they transmit information.

Neurons are usually divided into the body (cell body), axon, dendrite and synapse. These unique compartments can be distinguished from different cell types in the nervous system using specific markers.

According to the polar states and anatomical positions, neurons can be divided into:

  • Immature neurons
  • Mature neurons
  • Glutamatergic neurons
  • GABAergic neurons
  • Dopaminergic neurons
  • Serotonergic neurons
  • Cholinergic neurons

Overview of General Neuron Markers

Neuron Types Markers
Immature neuron Doublecortin, NeuroD1, beta III Tubulin, TBR1, stathmin 1
Mature neuron NeuN, MAP2, 160 kD Neurofilament Medium, Synaptophysin, PSD95, 200 kDa neurofilament protein
Glutamatergic neuron VGLUT1, vGluT2, NMDAR1, NMDAR2B, Growth Associated Protein 43, NMDAR2B, Glutaminase, Glutamine Synthetase
GABAergic neuron GAT1, GABA B Receptor 1, GABA B Receptor 2, GAD65, GAD67
Dopaminergic neuron Tyrosine Hydroxylase, Dopamine Transporter, FOXA2, GIRK2, Nurr1, LMX1B
Serotonergic neuron TPH, Serotonin Transporter, Pet1
Cholinergic neurons Choline Acetyltransferase, Acetylcholinesterase, vesicular acetylcholine transporter

A List of Neuron Markers Provided by Creative Biolabs

  1. Cholinergic Neuron Markers
  2. Subcellular Localization Markers
    Cytoplasmic Acetylcholinesterase/ACHE Choline Acetyltransferase/ChAT
    Cell Surface VAChT/SLC18A3  
  3. Dopaminergic Neuron Markers
  4. Subcellular Localization Markers
    Nuclear HNF-3b/FoxA2
    Cytoplasmic Tyrosine Hydroxylase Dopamine b-Hydroxylase
    Cell Surface FOLR1 SLC6A3/DAT1
  5. GABAergic Neuron Markers
  6. Subcellular Localization Markers
    Cytoplasmic GAD1/GAD67 GAD2/GAD65
    Cell Surface GABAB R1
    GABAB R2
  7. Glutamatergic Neuron Markers
  8. Subcellular Localization Markers
    Cytoplasmic Glutamine Synthetase  
    Cell Surface GRIN1/NMDAR1
  9. Glycinergic Neuron Markers
  10. Subcellular Localization Markers
    Cell Surface VIAAT/SLC32A1/VGAT  
  11. Serotonergic Neuron Markers
  12. Subcellular Localization Markers
    Nuclear Pet1  
    Cytoplasmic Dopa Decarboxylase/DDC Tryptophan Hydroxylase/TPH-1
    Cell Surface SLC6A4/5-HTTLPR/Serotonin Transporter VMAT2

With our easy-to-use guide, make sure you choose the best cell marker tools for your research needs.

For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.


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Target: LST1

LST1 Rat Monoclonal Antibody

Host Species:
Species Reactivity:
Mouse; Rat; Human
Unconjugated; APC; PE; HRP; Biotin; FITC; Alexa Fluor 488; Alexa Fluor 700; Alexa Fluor 647; Alexa Fluor 750; Alexa Fluor 594; Alexa Fluor 350; Alexa Fluor 1193
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