Creative Biolabs

Human iPSC derived Cell Culture and Isolation Services

At Creative Biolabs, we offer cutting-edge services utilizing human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) to provide differentiated neuronal subtypes tailored to your research needs. Our expertise lies in generating specific neuron types, including cortical neurons, motor neurons, GABAergic neurons, glutamatergic neurons, microglia, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes, to accelerate your research and drug discovery.

Fig. 1 Human iPSC Derived Cell Culture Model Service Workflow. (Luchena, 2022)

Overview Advantages

What We Can Provide

Why These Cells Matter:

  • GABAergic Neurons: These neurons regulate inhibitory neurotransmission in the central nervous system and are characterized by markers like GABA and vGAT. They play a pivotal role in conditions like epilepsy and schizophrenia, offering a platform for disease modeling and drug screening.
  • Glutamatergic Neurons: Integral to excitatory neurotransmission, glutamatergic neurons are characterized by markers like VGLUT and GluR. They are essential for modeling conditions like Alzheimer's disease (AD) and epilepsy, providing insights into disease mechanisms and therapeutic targets.
  • Cortical Neurons: These neurons are fundamental components of the cerebral cortex, playing critical roles in higher cognitive functions. Characterized by markers such as β-III tubulin, CTIP2, SATB2, TBR1, and MAP2, cortical neurons are essential for disease modeling and drug screening in conditions like AD and autism spectrum disorders.
  • Motor Neurons: Essential for controlling voluntary muscle movements, motor neurons are characterized by markers like HB9, ChAT, and ISL1. They are crucial for disease modeling in conditions like ALS and spinal muscular atrophy, providing insights into motor neuron degeneration and potential therapeutic targets.
  • Microglia: These immune cells of the central nervous system are characterized by markers like IBA1, P2RY12, TMEM119, and CD11b. Disease modeling using hiPSC-derived microglia offers insights into neuroinflammatory conditions and personalized medicine approaches.
  • Astrocytes: Supportive cells of the central nervous system, astrocytes are characterized by markers like GFAP, S100β, ALDH1L1, and GLT-1. They contribute to neurodevelopmental disorders and neurodegenerative diseases, offering a platform for studying disease mechanisms and developing novel therapeutics.
  • OPCs and Oligodendrocytes: These cells are crucial for myelin production and maintenance in the central nervous system. Characterized by markers like PDGFRα, A2B5, Olig2, and MBP, they offer insights into demyelinating disorders like multiple sclerosis and leukodystrophies.
  • BBB Model: In numerous CNS disorders, the blood-brain barrier (BBB) not only poses a considerable obstacle to the delivery of various neurotherapeutics but also plays a role in disease pathogenesis. For instance, heightened BBB permeability has been noted in several neurodegenerative conditions, such as AD and Parkinson's Disease (PD).


  • Renewable sources avoiding the use of primary fetal/animal cells

In contrast to conventional stem cell sources that often rely on embryonic or fetal tissues, iPSCs are generated by reprogramming adult somatic cells to revert them to a pluripotent state. iPSCs provide an ethically uncontroversial, renewable source of human neural cells for research.

  • Accelerating drug discovery and development

We specialize in Drug Screening and Efficacy Testing using hiPSC-derived neurons, offering a sophisticated platform to accelerate drug discovery and development in neurology. Our services enable the assessment of drug efficacy, toxicity, and mechanisms of action in disease-relevant cellular models, paving the way for the identification of lead candidates and the development of targeted therapies.

  • Advanced 2D and 3D culture models

We leverage both 2D and 3D iPSC differentiation techniques to provide advanced culture models that better mimic human physiology. Our expertise allows for improved cell-cell interactions, tissue organization, and in vivo-like conditions, enhancing the relevance and translatability of research findings.

  • Comprehensive support and consultation

Our team of specialists offers thorough guidance and consultation at every stage of the project, spanning from experimental planning to data analysis and interpretation.

  • Transforming research into solutions

By harnessing the power of hiPSC-derived neurons, we aim to transform scientific discoveries into clinically relevant solutions for neurological disorders. Our services enhance the process of transforming research discoveries into viable treatments, ultimately boosting patient outcomes and enhancing quality of life.

Contact Us Today

Unlock the potential of hiPSC-derived cells for your research needs. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can support your research goals.


  1. Smith, Matthew D et al. "Reactive Astrocytes Derived From Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Suppress Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cell Differentiation." Front Mol Neurosci. 2022;15:874299. Distributed under Open Access license CC BY 4.0. The original image was modified.
For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.
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