Creative Biolabs

Disease-related hiPSC-derived Cell/Mutant hiPSC Culture and Isolation Service

Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) have emerged as a powerful tool for studying various diseases, particularly genetic disorders. By reprogramming somatic cells into pluripotent stem cells, researchers can create patient-specific hiPSCs that carry the genetic mutations associated with specific diseases. These hiPSCs can then be differentiated into various cell types to study disease mechanisms, screen drugs, and develop potential therapies.

Expert scientists at Creative Biolabs are passionate about offering disease-related hiPSC-derived cells/mutant hiPSCs you need to release you from the stressful and excessive workload process of cell reprogramming - giving you more time to focus on research.

Fig. 1 Use of patient-derived iPSC for neurological disorders. Fig. 1 Use of disease-relevant hiPSCs to treat neurological diseases.1

hiPSC Disease Models hiPSC Control Models Diseases ApplicationsRelated Services

Our hiPSC Disease Models

  • Patient-derived hiPSC Disease Models

Patient-derived hiPSC disease models are reprogrammed from innate somatic cells without any genetic manipulation. These models retain the genetic background of the individual and are reprogrammed to a pluripotent state, thereby providing insights into how diseases manifest in specific patient populations.

  • Genetically Engineered hiPSC Disease Models

Genetically engineered hiPSC disease models involve genetic modifications to introduce specific mutations related to a disease. These models can be generated using techniques such as CRISPR/Cas9 or other gene-editing tools.

  • Induced hiPSC Disease Models

By introducing exogenous stimuli (e.g., Aβ1-42 peptide), researchers can create disease-like states in hiPSC-derived cells, allowing for a better understanding of disease mechanisms, drug responses, and potential therapeutic interventions.

Our hiPSC Control Models

  • Healthy Control-derived hiPSC Models

Healthy control-derived hiPSC models are created from somatic cells (like skin or blood cells) of healthy individuals. These cells are reprogrammed into a pluripotent state, allowing them to differentiate into any cell type.

  • Isogenic Control hiPSC Models

Isogenic control hiPSC models are derived from individuals with known genetic backgrounds. These lines are generated by either introducing specific disease-related mutations into healthy iPSCs or by correcting such mutations in patient-derived iPSCs, ensuring that no additional genetic alterations are made.

Disease Model Platforms

We are proud to provide disease-related hiPSC-derived cells or mutant hiPSCs with you for research use only, which significantly contribute to understanding various pathologies and the development of targeted therapies.

Neurological Diseases Relevant Mutations Available Cell Types
Alzheimer's disease APOE 4/4, APOE 3/3, APOE 2/2, APOE 3/4, APOE 2/3, TREM2 KO, TREM2 R47H, APP A673V, APP A673T and PSEN M146L NSCs, Cortical Neurons, GABAergic Neurons, Glutamatergic Neurons, Astrocytes and Microglia
Parkinson's disease Ataxin-3, PINK1, PARKIN, PARK2, SNCA A53T and LRRK2 NSCs, Dopaminergic Neurons, Glutamatergic Neurons, Striatal Neurons, Astrocytes and Microglia
Huntington's Disease HTT 50 CAG NSCs, Cortical Neurons, Glutamatergic Neurons, Striatal Neurons,
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis SOD1, TDP43 and C9ORF72 NSCs, Motor Neurons, Sensory Neurons


  • Disease Modeling
  • Drug Discovery
  • Toxicology Studies

Related Services

  • Custom hiPSC Generation Services
  • Custom hiPSC Differentiation Services


  1. McTague, Amy et al. "Genome Editing in iPSC-Based Neural Systems: From Disease Models to Future Therapeutic Strategies." Front Genome Ed. 2021;3:630600. Distributed under Open Access license CC BY 4.0. The original image was modified.
For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.
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