Creative Biolabs

Primary Hippocampal Neuron Culture and Isolation Service

The hippocampus, part of the limbic system, consists of two mirror-image structures in the brain and plays a pivotal role in the consolidation of short-term memories into long-term ones. It directly interacts with the amygdala, facilitating emotional responses linked to memories. Additionally, the hippocampus is essential for spatial recognition and navigation, aiding in awareness of location and route-finding. Long-term potentiation of synaptic transmission between neurons is believed to be a key mechanism of neural plasticity, which underpins the hippocampal crucial functions in memory and spatial processing.

Hippocampal neurons can be easily isolated and cultured from embryonic or postnatal rodents, providing a valuable in vitro model for studying neurophysiology, neuronal plasticity, and memory storage. The loss and dysfunction of these neurons are associated with various neurological diseases, including Alzheimer's disease (AD), epilepsy, and depression, leading to learning difficulty, cognitive deficits, and altered emotional responses. Creative Biolabs is delighted to provide customers with reliable and functional primary hippocampal neurons for a better understanding of these applications.

Fig. 1 Primary hippocampal neurons were treated with control and Aβ1-42.Fig. 1 Primary hippocampal cultures were treated with vehicle and 500 nM Aβ1-42 oligomers.1

Applications Assays

Applications of Primary Hippocampal Neurons in Research

Primary hippocampal neurons are widely used in neuroscience research due to their critical role in learning, memory, and spatial navigation. Here are several applications of primary hippocampal neurons in research:

  • Disease Modeling

Primary hippocampal neurons can serve as valuable models for investigating neurological and neurodegenerative diseases such as AD. Researchers can assess the effects of amyloid-beta plaques, tau tangles, which are indications of AD.

  • Drug Screening

Primary hippocampal neurons serve as an excellent high-throughput platform for drug screening. Researchers can assess the effects of potential drugs based on Neurotoxicity Assay, which detects cell viability, apoptosis, activity, membrane and mitochondrial damage.

  • Neuroplasticity Research

Neuroplasticity is the brain's incredible ability to adapt and reconfigure itself by forming new neural connections over the course of a lifetime. This dynamic capacity allows the brain to modify its structure in response to new experiences, acquire new skills, recover from injuries, and compensate for functions that may have been lost. Primary hippocampal neurons are essential for studying neuroplasticity due to their roles in several key processes: Neurogenesis, Neurite outgrowth, and Synaptic plasticity.

Common Assays Utilize Primary Hippocampal Neurons

Primary hippocampal neurons are widely used in research, especially in the fields of neuroscience and pharmacology, due to their crucial role in learning, memory, and various neurological disorders. Here are some common assays utilized with primary hippocampal neurons:


  1. Patnaik, Abhisarika et al. "Signaling via the p75 neurotrophin receptor facilitates amyloid-β-induced dendritic spine pathology." Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):13322. Distributed under Open Access license CC BY 4.0. The original image was modified.
For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.
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