Creative Biolabs

C. elegans Toxicity Assay

Creative Biolabs is at the forefront of neuroscience research, and we are proud to offer our innovative C. elegans Toxicity Assay. This cutting-edge assay provides valuable insights into the toxicological effects of compounds and substances, aiding in the assessment of safety and potential risks.

Our Approach

We have pioneered an extensive and advanced approach for toxicity assessment at Creative Biolabs, utilizing the model organism C. elegans. This remarkable organism shares similarities with rodent models, boasting a well-characterized developmental timeline and a fully functional reproductive system. However, C. elegans possesses unique advantages that distinguish it from rodents. It undergoes rapid development from hatched larvae to fully mature adults in less than three days, possesses a transparent body that enables easy study, and is exempt from welfare regulations.

At Creative Biolabs, we employ the Healthspan assay, which focuses on adult sterile worms to detect chronic impacts on aging, mobility, and behavior. Additionally, we conduct Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity (DART) assays. We administer one or more doses of the substances of interest to populations of age-synchronized C. elegans. We monitor their development and observe relevant phenotypes. Leveraging our proprietary automated imaging platform, we can capture images and quantify these phenotypes in thousands of C. elegans specimens. This enables us to provide comprehensive, multi-parametric dose response assessments within weeks rather than months, thanks to the significant number of treated animals analyzed.

C.elegans High-Throughput Screening Workflow.Fig.1 C.elegans High-Throughput Screening Workflow. (Creative Biolabs)

We can measure the following C.elegans toxicity types:

Acute Toxicity Assay
The acute toxicity assay is a widely used screening tool to evaluate the immediate toxic effects of a substance on C. elegans. In this assay, worms are exposed to different concentrations of the test compound, and various endpoints, such as mortality, changes in locomotion, or reproductive impairments, are measured. This assay provides valuable information about the potential acute toxic effects of a compound.
Developmental Toxicity Assay
The developmental toxicity assay focuses on assessing the adverse effects of a substance on the growth and development of C. elegans. During this assay, worms are exposed to the test compound throughout their development, and endpoints such as larval lethality, developmental delays, or morphological abnormalities are examined. This assay provides insights into the compound's impact on embryonic and post-embryonic development.
Neurotoxicity Assay
The neurotoxicity assay aims to evaluate the toxic effects of a compound on the nervous system of C. elegans. Using fluorescent markers or genetic reporters, specific neuronal structures or functions can be visualized and quantified. This assay enables the identification of compounds that may affect neuronal development, synaptic function, or behavior.
Reproductive Toxicity Assay
The reproductive toxicity assay focuses on evaluating the effects of a substance on C. elegans' reproductive system. It measures parameters such as fertility, brood size, and hatching success to assess potential disruptions in reproductive function caused by the test compound.

Our Benefits

By choosing Creative Biolabs for your C. elegans toxicity assays, you gain access to numerous benefits that set us apart as a leader in the field:

  • Expertise and Experience: With over 20 years of experience in neuroscience research, our team of highly skilled scientists possesses in-depth knowledge and expertise in C. elegans toxicity assays
  • Customized Assay Design: We understand that each project is unique, and we tailor our assays to meet your specific requirements. Our flexible assay design allows for the incorporation of diverse endpoints, such as molecular markers, behavioral analyses, or imaging techniques, providing a comprehensive assessment of toxicity.
  • High-throughput Capability: Our state-of-the-art infrastructure and automated platforms enable high-throughput screening of large compound libraries. This ensures efficient data generation, accelerating the identification of potential toxic compounds.
  • Robust Data Analysis: We employ advanced image analysis algorithms and statistical tools to extract meaningful information from the obtained data. Our rigorous data analysis pipeline ensures accurate interpretation and reliable results.

Please feel free to contact us for more about our C. elegans models related services.

For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.
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