Creative Biolabs

NK3 Tachykinin Receptor Assay Cell Line

[CAT#: NCL2110P263]

Cell Types:
Other Cells

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Product Overview


Cell line information: TACR3 (NK3)/U2OS
Official Full Name: Tachykinin receptor 3
DNA Accesion Number: GenBank: AY462099
Host Cell: U2OS
Format: 2 cryopreserved vials
Resistance: G418
Storage: Liquid Nitrogen


TACR3/U2OS contains U2OS cells stably expressing untagged human tachykinin receptor 3 (TACR3). The Creative Biolabs TACR3 cell line is designed to test compounds or analyze their ability to modulate tachykinin receptor 3. When the agonist binds to TACR3, the G protein is activated, which in turn triggers a cellular response mediated by the second messenger (calcium). This cell line has been validated by measuring the increase in calcium in the cytosol. High reproducibility

Cell Types

Other Cells

Research Areas



NK3 Tachykinin Receptor Assay

Assay Description

Creative Biolabs' NK3 Tachykinin Receptor Assay (TACR3) allows compounds to be tested or analyzed for their ability to modulate TACR3. When the ligand binds to TACR3, it activates the G protein; this in turn triggers a calcium-mediated cellular response. The combination of agonist and TACR3 induces intracellular calcium mobilization and PKC activation through PLC-IP3 and DAG pathways, respectively.

Assay Characteristics

Readout: Calcium Flux

Agonist: Substance P

EC50 Agonist: 5.30 x 106-8 M for Calcium Flux

Type of Assay: Cell-based / Functional

Detection Method: Fluorimetry



Cell Purity


Cell Viability


Mycoplasma Testing

The cell line has been screened using the luciferase based mycoplasma detection kit to confirm the absence of mycoplasma species.

Sterility Testing

Sterility testing was performed in accordance with USP and EP regulations. All of our sterility testing is performed in an isolator or clean room environments. The cell line has been screened using the membrane filtration testing methods to confirm the absence of aerobic, anaerobic and fungi microorganisms.

Genetic Stability Testing

Cell genetic stability study was perfomed under ICH guidelines. We provide guidance on the appropriate testing program upon your requirements.


Dry ice


Liquid Nitrogen

Handling Advice

Frozen cells:Upon receipt, frozen ampoules should be transferred directly to gaseous phase liquid nitrogen without delay, unless they are to be used straight away.

Research Use Only

For research use only, not for diagnostic or therapeutic use.


Store under recommended storage conditions (liquid nitrogen). Do not expose to high temperature. After expiration, discard all remaining reagents. It is recommended to use cells within ten generations.

Quality Control

No bacteria, yeast, fungi, mycoplasma, virus
Target Details



Full Name

Nk3 Tachykinin Receptor

Alternative Names

TACR3; HH11; NK-3R; NK3R; NKR; TAC3RL; Tachykinin receptor 3; TAC3R; NK3

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